The three films presented in May and June that we are bringing together in this cycle bear witness to the vivacity of contemporary Romanian cinema. Whether in the gargantuan form of a lengthy discussion at a social gathering at the dawn of the 20th century (Malmkrog), a delirious farce mixing porn, social satire and historical archives (Bad Fuck or Porno Barjo), or a migratory drama filmed in Montreal (Limonade), these films observe in all their complexity the paradoxes and fractures that run through Romanian society.
A great landowner, a man of the world and of spirit, invites a few friends to stay in his manor. A meeting where each one exposes his vision of the world in intense discussions around death, religion, history, progress or morality.
Cristi Puiu
Cristi Puiu, born on April 3, 1967 in Bucharest, is a Romanian director whose best known film is The Death of Dante Lazarescu. He is the precursor of the "Romanian New Wave". Passionate about painting, Cristi Puiu declares that he discovered cinema thanks to a film-loving uncle and especially to Jim Jarmusch's film, Stranger Than Paradise. Between 1992 and 1996, he attended the Ecole Supérieure d'Arts Visuels (ESAV) in Geneva: first in the painting section, then in cinema and video. He graduated in the directing category. He created, with a Romanian friend exiled in Glasgow, as well as with his wife, a production company, La Mandragore, named after the plant with two faces that he compares to cinema.