This policy describes the Cinémathèque québécoise's principles regarding the protection of personal information. This information is gathered and communicated first and foremost for services and products provided by the Cinémathèque québécoise. In any case, the Cinémathèque québécoise consistently protects individuals' privacy and their personal information's integrity.
Personal information is any information that involves a physical person and allows identifying him/her, other that his/her name, function, address or telephone number at work, and his/her e-mail address. His/her residential address, date of birth, social security, medical and financial information, is personal information.
The Cinémathèque québécoise is responsible for the personal information that it manages, including the personal information communicated to third parties for processing and administrative purposes.
Determining the purposes personal information gathering
The Cinémathèque québécoise determines the purposes for which it gathers personal information, before or during the gathering, unless these purposes are obvious.
The Cinémathèque québécoise refrains from gathering, using or communicating an individual's personal information, without his/her knowledge, and without having obtained his/her consent, except in certain restricted cases authorized by the law.
Personal information gathering limits
The gathering of personal information by the Cinémathèque québécoise is limited to what is necessary for the purposes that it has indicated. The Cinémathèque québécoise always obtains personal information through fair and legal means. The Cinémathèque québécoise may gather and use information on this individual that originates from a third party, when this is permitted by law, and with the individual's consent in all other cases.
Limits of use and communication of personal information
The Cinémathèque québécoise does not use or communicate personal information for purposes other than those for which it was gathered, except with the individual's consent, or according to what the law requires or allows.
Keeping of personal information
The Cinémathèque québécoise keeps the personal information as long as it reasonably needs it for the specified purposes or according to what the law requires.
Accurateness of the personal information held by the Cinémathèque québécoise
The Cinémathèque québécoise makes reasonable efforts to ensure that individuals' personal information is as accurate and complete as required for the purposes for which it is used. A correction request can be considered only if it is made in writing, in accordance with the following process for requesting access to personal information.
Protection of the personal information
The Cinémathèque québécoise is committed to taking and applying suitable safety measures to ensure the privacy of the information.
The Cinémathèque québécoise puts at individuals' disposal information on its personal information management policies and practices. The Cinémathèque québécoise shows transparency with the policy it observes to ensure the protection of personal information.