Changes and clarifications to the requirements of Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec and the Cinémathèque québécoise
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) and the Cinémathèque québécoise have revised and simplified the requirements for the legal deposit of digital audio-visual files. These adjustments are intended to harmonize the standards for films and television productions, while guaranteeing the conservation quality and long-term storage of the works.
General principles
The purpose of legal deposit is the long-term preservation of audio-visual works, including theatrically released films, televisual works and web content.
Physical media: Files must be written to a reliable physical medium (see details below).
Integrity of files: Each file must include proof of integrity in the form of an MD5 checksum file.
Accepted formats: Deposit formats must guarantee optimal conservation quality and meet the specified technical standards.
Physical medium
LTO tape: Files must be written to LTO-5, LTO-6, LTO-7 or LTO-8 tape, formatted in LTFS.
Although the deposit of a single copy is required, it is recommended that you submit two copies on separate tapes as a safeguard.
MD5 Checksum
The MD5 file is a digital fingerprint that proves that the file has not been modified.
Instructions: Each file deposited must be accompanied by a text file that includes the MD5 checksum.
Formats accepted for deposit
DCP (Digital Cinema Package)
DCP is the standard format used for theatrical screenings. It is a package of digital files containing the video and audio content, and subtitles if any, designed to guarantee optimal presentation quality.
Accepted formats:
Technical requirements:
Your DCP must meet standard technical specifications, specifically:
Resolution and colour space compliant with cinema standards (2K and 4K).
Framerate appropriate for the content (e.g. 24 frames per second).
5.1 mix in uncompressed PCM.
Sampling rate: 48 kHz.
Subtitles (if available):
Supplied in separate files for more flexibility (Version File).
Essential details:
The DCP must be unencrypted (no KDM required) in order to ensure long-term readability and conservation.
Original version:
Deposit the final version as used for theatrical screening.
Stereo mix:
If available, provide a separate file containing the stereo mix as an addition (Version File).
IMF (Interoperable Master Format)
IMF is a standard format designed for the distribution and archiving of audio-visual works. It enables great flexibility thanks to the encapsulation of the various elements (video, audio, subtitles) in a modular format suitable for both conservation and presentation requirements.
Accepted formats:
Application 2 or Application 2 Extended, specifically designed for feature films and complex productions.
Technical requirements:
Your IMF must meet the following standard specifications:
Codec: JPEG2000 (with lossy or lossless compression).
Resolution: 2K or 4K, based on the original master.
Framerate: appropriate for the content (e.g. 24 frames per second).
Colour space: same as original master.
Minimum bitrate: 200 Mbps for files with lossy compression.
Format: uncompressed PCM.
Bit depth: 24 bits (preferred) or 16 bits.
Sampling rate: 48 kHz.
Track order:
1-6: 5.1 mix (LRCLfeLsRs).
7-8: Stereo mix (if available).
9-10: Descriptive video (if available).
11-12: M&E (if available).
Provide in separate files (XML format, IMF compatible).
Essential points:
Do not use any encryption in order to ensure long-term accessibility and conservation.
MXF (Material Exchange Format) – JPEG 2000
The encapsulated MXF with JPEG 2000 format is a commonly used solution for the conservation and distribution of audio-visual content. The format guarantees superior quality and an optimized structure for storage and presentation.
General requirements
Container: MXF OP-1a (Operational Pattern 1a).
Compliance: Files must meet the technical standards detailed below.
Codec: JPEG 2000, with your choice of compression:
Lossy to minimize file size while maintaining acceptable quality.
Lossless for best quality.
Framerate: Must match the original master.
Scan: Progressive or interlaced, to match the original master.
Colour space and chrominance: Based on the characteristics of the master.
Example: Rec. 709 for televisual productions or DCI-P3 for cinematic productions.
Captions for the hearing impaired: Encoded directly in the MXF file, based on current standards.
Lossy: Must be at least 200 Mbps to ensure adequate quality.
Codestream: Select “Part 1” to ensure maximum compatibility.
Format: Uncompressed linear PCM.
Bit depth:
24 bits (preferred).
16 bits (acceptable).
Order of audio tracks:
1-6: 5.1 mix (order: LRCLfeLsRs).
7-8: Stereo mix.
9-10: Descriptive video (if available).
11-12: M&E (Music & Effects) (if available).
If the 5.1 mix is not supplied:
1-2: Stereo.
3-4: Descriptive video.
5-6: M&E (if available).
Acceptable alternative formats
If none of the above formats is possible:
Works can be deposited on HDCAM or HDCAM SR.
Reminder: conservation quality
These minimum standards are aimed at guaranteeing durable conservation. Nevertheless, if you have files of a higher quality than the required standards, they will be gratefully accepted as an enhancement to the archives.
If you have any questions or require any assistance with legal deposit, please contact the technical team at the Cinémathèque québécoise.
Additional resources
About BAnQ
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) is Quebec’s largest cultural institution and an essential pillar of the information society. Its mission is to provide open access to culture and knowledge by collecting, conserving and providing access to Quebec’s documentary heritage and related materials. It also offers the services of a major public library. BAnQ includes the Grande Bibliothèque, the Centre de conservation and nine archival centres across Quebec, specifically in Montreal, Gatineau, Rimouski, Rouyn-Noranda, Saguenay, Sept-Îles, Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivières and Quebec City, as well as a service office in Gaspé.
About the Cinémathèque québécoise
The Cinémathèque québécoise is Montreal’s museum of moving images. Its mission is to acquire, document and preserve the world’s audiovisual heritage, with an emphasis on Quebec and Canadian works as well as international animation, and to make it available for cultural and educational purposes.
Michel Martin
Legal Deposit Technician
Cinémathèque québécoise
514 842-9768 ext. 223