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Round Table About the creative gesture

Raoul-Barré room
June 10th, 2022
Free admission
Experimental Cinema Symposium: creating / performing / preserving

In 2015, we proposed a first symposium on experimental cinema. Under the same title (Creating/performing/preserving) we are using the same formula: inviting filmmakers, researchers and specialists in experimental cinema to discuss current practice, the history of the practice and its place in our programming. We also offer, in the evening, high-level programs that intertwine recent short films, performances and screenings of films from the Songs series by Stan Brakhage, in 8mm, kept in our collections.

Pour clore les échanges, des présentations et une table ronde qui témoignent des interrogations d’auteurs et de cinéastes actuels sur la notion de cinéma expérimental.
Intervenants : Nicole Gingras (commissaire et critique), Clint Enns (cinéaste et auteur), Ralph Elawani (écrivain tous risques)

Presented in collaboration with