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20h17 rue Darling (VOF)
Main screening room
September 27th, 2021
101 min
ACPAV - 50 ans

Les anniversaires s’enchaînent mais ne se ressemblent pas ! Pour souligner les 50 ans de l’Association coopérative de productions audio-visuelles (ACPAV), nous présentons plusieurs longs métrages et un programme de courts afin de mesurer la place exceptionnelle occupée par cette organisation au sein de la cinématographie québécoise. Plusieurs cinéastes ayant contribué à leur vaste catalogue viendront présenter leurs films et parfois ceux des autres! D’André Forcier à Benoit Pilon, de Brigitte Sauriol à Pierre Falardeau, en passant par Léa Pool et Paul Tana (pour n’en nommer que quelques uns), l’histoire du cinéma au Québec s’écrit avec l’ACPAV depuis maintenant cinq décennies.

20h17 rue Darling
Directed by
Bernard Émond
Luc Picard, Guylaine Tremblay, Diane Lavallée
101 min
35 mm

Montreal, Hochelaga district. 8:17 pm. A violent explosion blows up a building on Darling Street, killing six occupants. Gérard, a tenant of the building, would normally have been among them, if a banal accident had not kept him there. This cost of destiny leads him to ask several questions. Why did his neighbors die? Why not him? What is the meaning of his life that was saved by chance?

20h17 rue Darling

Bernard Émond

Bernard Émond (born 1951 in Montreal, Quebec) is a Québecois and Canadian director, screenwriter, novelist and essayist. He studied anthropology at university and lived for several years in the Canadian north where he worked for the Inuit Broadcasting Corporation. He began his film career making documentaries, later moving to feature-length films, all of which have been shot in Quebec. He is noted for the humanistic, sometimes spiritual depth of his films, in particular his trilogy of feature films (2007, 2009, 2012) based on the three Christian virtues, faith, hope, and charity. Other themes in his work include human dignity and frailty, and cultural loss. He describes himself as an agnostic and a "conservative socialist."



Cinéma - Le regard cru de Bernard Émond

Mélange de polar, de comédie, de drame sociologique, le film, qui donne la vedette à Luc Picard, aborde, comme tous les films d'Émond, la dignité humaine face aux soufflets de la vie...

Full Cast
À propos de Bernard Émond

Bernard Émond: radicalement conservateur

« C'est impossible d'être optimiste aujourd'hui. Mais ça fait 300 ans qu'on résiste, on devrait être capable de « tougher » encore un peu ! » ...
