From the Kafkaesque journey of Henry Spencer in Eraserhead to the nightmarish drift of the protagonist of Inland Empire, David Lynch has never ceased to take us off the beaten track and over the edge of unsuspected cliffs. The winding roads of the human psyche and discomfort are answered by the intricacies of narrative breakdown and the mise en abyme. The filmmaker opens the doors to parallel worlds reflecting our distorted expectations and challenging our passivity as spectators. There's never a bad excuse to revisit this prolific body of work and experience its vertiginous nature.
A dream of dark and troubling things... David Lynch’s 1977 debut feature, Eraserhead, is both a lasting cult sensation and a work of extraordinary craft and beauty. With its mesmerizing black-and-white photography by Frederick Elmes and Herbert Cardwell, evocative sound design, and unforgettably enigmatic performance by Jack Nance, this visionary nocturnal odyssey continues to haunt American cinema like no other film. (Janus films)

David Lynch
David Lynch est un cinéaste, scénariste, photographe, musicien et peintre américain. Il est l'auteur de 10 longs-métrages sortis entre 1977 et 2006, ainsi que d'une série télévisée notable, Twin Peaks, initialement sortie en 1990-91 et prolongée en 2017. Nommé aux Oscars du cinéma comme meilleur réalisateur pour Elephant Man (1980), Blue Velvet (1986) et Mulholland Drive (2001), il a reçu la Palme d'or au Festival de Cannes en 1990 pour Sailor et Lula et un Lion d'or d'honneur à la Mostra de Venise en 2006.
Photo : Josh Telles


Eraserhead by David Lynch

Eraserhead by David Lynch

Eraserhead by David Lynch

Eraserhead by David Lynch

Eraserhead by David Lynch