Little Shop of Horrors
Our summer cycle will be festive or not. Sound and image, song and dance, instrument and breathing, strings and gestures: so many possible combinations to express what cinema and music can achieve and express together. Musicals, concert films, catchy music. Jazz, classical, contemporary, disco, punk... Revolt and enchantment, distress and emphasis, joy and rhythm, melancholy and bass, laughter and stridency: diverse expressions characterizing cinema and music's historical alliance, will definitely make us fly, dream, dance!
From the 30's to the present day and across all possible genres, this cycle aims to open our minds at a time when we most need it. The first week of July will be an eventful one, as the cycle will open with several evenings in cabaret mode, where we will present for the first time concert films produced in Quebec during the confinement, with the participation of major artists of the current music scene: Klô Pelgag, Marie Davidson and Godspeed You! Black Emperor.
Don't feed the plants. They bite.
One night, in the depths of Mushnik's Floral Store, young Seymour pricks his finger on a rose and Audrey II gets her first slurp of RH negative. Audrey II grows and demands more and more and more. This is one mean plant!
Frank Oz
Frank Oz is an American actor, puppeteer, and filmmaker. He began his career as a puppeteer, performing the Muppet characters of Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear, Animal, and Sam Eagle in The Muppet Show, and Cookie Monster, Bert, and Grover in Sesame Street. He is also known for the role of Yoda in the Star Wars series, providing the voice for the character in several films and television series. His work as a director includes The Dark Crystal *(1982), *The Muppets Take Manhattan (1984), Little Shop of Horrors (1986), Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988), What About Bob? (1991), In & Out *(1997), Death at a Funeral (2007), and an episode of the US TV series Leverage* (2011). Wikipedia.
Photo : Rotten Tomatoes