Screening/performance by Luis Macias: Your eyes are spectral machines
"Filming, performing", it is under this simple formulation that we are presenting our third edition of the symposium dedicated to experimental cinema. This form is indeed very regularly linked to performance, even if it is produced before the screening of the films. We propose live performances in which the film medium is reworked, triturated, and returned to its lively expressiveness. Some more general interventions (experimental cinema in Quebec, video experimentation in the feminine, panorama of the current Canadian experimental cinema) complete the program.
Your eyes are spectral machines is a selection of films in which Luis Macias investigates the concept of what he calls spectral cinema. Exploring each of the different components of the film spectrum: the process and structure as a challenge, the photochemical transformation in the laboratory of created and/or appropriate images, editing/manipulation and re-photography through the optical/contact printer, and the projection as an event ... These are parts of a filmic forms organized in closed structures allowing intermediate spaces that force/activate improvisation.
Luis Macias searches in the form, the structure of each piece, through a detailed elaboration of the process and the manipulation of the mechanical device, causing a spectral perception of Nature. The properties of the image and its forms and the modification/alteration of the mechanical structure of the projector are combined in new proposals for the exercise of a human eye that explores the images of nature and/or how it is revealed to us.
*Your eyes are spectral machines *is a film and performance program presented by filmmaker Luis Macias with two performances and one film.
Without image. Without sound. Without description.
THE EYES EMPTY AND THE PUPILS BURNING OF RAGE AND DESIRE, it begins with the absence of image that is its own destruction and builds a particular organic universe that is slowly emerging from a relation of excitement and love between the emulsion and the projector.

THE ANALOG OCEAN is the only crossing to arrive to the Mount Analogue. Through each wave, which breaks into each of the primary colors, a gateway opens to a new perception… That of an ocean as deep, dark, and as difficult to access as the climb to the highest mountain. To the top where the sixth sun can be perceived.
First of the short film series for the Sixth Sun project. Inspired by the pre-hispanic myth of the Sixth Sun. This chapter is inspired by the René Daumal book Mount Analogue.

I Can't See the Sixth Sun is a film performance which explores nature, man’s cosmovision and the need of living meaning of the world to understand how it was created and thereby control it… and destroy it. Then…is the sixth sun coming? Performance inspired by the myth of The Sixth Sun.