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Satyajit Ray: Beyond Apu

April 2nd - 17th, 2023

This cycle allows us to discover in restored versions six films directed by Satyajit Ray after the success of The Apu Trilogy and The Music Room, which we are also presenting.These movies, shot from the 1960's onwards, sometimes less known, reflect different aspects of Indian society, just like Ray's cinema, which testifies to the finesse of his direction and the modernity of his subjects. They allow us to apprehend some of the less considered aspects of the Indian filmmaker's work: the feminist dimension of The Big City, Charulata or The Coward, the taste for comedy in The Holy Man, the writing of a rare original screenplay in The Hero, the exploration of color and gender in The Elephant God... Not to mention the art of music, that was composed in these six films by the filmmaker himself.

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Satyajit Ray, le temps suspendu

Après avoir réalisé la trilogie d’Apu, qui lui a valu une reconnaissance internationale, Satyajit Ray resserre en quelque sorte son approche : il poursuit sa fresque de l’Inde à travers une série de portraits intimistes qui ne portent plus sur l’entièreté d’une vie mais sur des instants décisifs de l’existence. (...)