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Damiano Garofalo's conference on spaghetti westerns

Main screening room
January 26th, 2024
5:30 pm
Free admission
Spaghetti Westerns

Like the thrilling genre it identifies, the term "spaghetti western" has steadily gained in esteem and sympathy. Born in the mid-1960s, the Italian Western is a universe in its own right, whose cinematic language, anarchic tone and spectacular iconography have had a considerable impact. Presented in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute of Montreal, this cycle brings together the must-see films of the "three Sergios" (Leone, Corbucci, Sollima) and a diverse selection of films by the main directors of the period. It's an opportunity to grasp the richness of a genre whose stylistic beauty is matched only by the dirtiness of its protagonists, and which has managed to be alternately irreverent and lyrical, funny and violent, bon-vivant and political, dark and luminous. The versions presented have been chosen on the basis of elements such as language (all these films were dubbed, so there is no single "original" version), complete editing and recent restorations.

Guest speaker Damiano Garofalo teaches at Rome's Sapienza University and specializes in the relationship between Italian and American cinema. He is therefore an ideal guest to contextualize the Italian production of westerns.

This conference will be held in English.

Presented in collaboration with

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