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Ciné-Concerts - Le bleu ne reviendra jamais bleu

Place de la Paix
July 21st, 2023
8:30 pm
Free admission
Ciné-Concerts SAT x Cinémathèque

La SAT, la Cinémathèque québécoise et le Partenariat du Quartier des spectacles présentent les Ciné-concerts, un programme de projections en plein air associant cinéma et musique live. Chaque film est accompagné d’une performance musicale où les artistes créent en direct une nouvelle trame sonore. Cinéphile ou mélomane, on peut s’attendre à des moments inédits de création.

En première partie seront diffusés des courts métrages sélectionnés par la Cinémathèque québécoise.

Les projections sont gratuites et auront lieu à la Place de la Paix dans le Quartier des spectacles.

The artist group has developed its sound universe from organic sounds (field recording, cassette manipulation and amplification) and analog sounds using modular synthesizers and hand-built boutique effects pedals. Through years of experimenting with sound, their artistic intent quickly evolved into a creative quest for identity.


Le bleu ne reviendra jamais bleu by Guillaume Vallée

Le bleu ne reviendra jamais bleu is the title of Hazy Montagne Mystique and Pulsatilla's audiovisual project in sound with Guillaume Vallée's film/live manipulation. A blend of sound and image to take us on a journey to a space of protection against the fear of the modern world, in a single communication that is art.

musical performance

Hazy Montagne Mystique

Hazy Montagne Mystique is a sound artist dedicated to composition, installation and performance. Drawing on his quest for identity, located between Laos and Quebec, he offers an experimental symphony inspired by the relationship between South Asian culture and his practice developed here.


Lisa Teichmann is a flutist, electronic musician and postdoctoral researcher at Université de Montréal's Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques (CRIHN). In her live performances, she layers atmospheric layers with flute improvisation to create organic, deep and natural soundscapes.

Presented in collaboration with