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Le doulos (VOF)
Main screening room
February 13th, 2022
110 min
Jean-Paul Belmondo (1933-2021)

L’acteur Jean-Paul Belmondo, récemment disparu, a marqué le monde de la cinéphilie. Nous présentons l’étonnant Le voleur de Louis Malle (scénario de Jean-Claude Carrière), où le génial acteur partage la vedette avec la québécoise Geneviève Bujold. Vous pourrez également retrouver l’acteur dans Le doulos de Jean-Pierre Melville.

Le doulos
Directed by
Jean-Pierre Melville
French version
Serge Reggiani, Michel Piccoli, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean Dessailly
110 min
Crime, drama

Le Doulos begins by introducing us to Maurice, an ex-con, just released from prison after serving a six-year sentence. He then murders his friend, Gilbert, and steals the jewels he had been hiding, products of a recent heist. Shortly afterwards, Maurice plans a heist of a rich man’s estate and shares his plan with Silien, who is rumored to be a police informant. Silien is later picked up and questioned by the police. The film unfolds from there, incorporating a number of plot twists revealed through Melville’s traditionally styled hard-boiled dialogue and picturesque visuals.

Le doulos

Jean-Pierre Melville

Born Jean-Pierre Grumbach in a family of merchants in Paris in 1917, Melville fell into cinema from his earliest childhood: he was only six years old when his parents gave him a Pathé-Baby camera. During the 1930s, he developed a bulimic cinephilia, became passionate about American cinema and affirmed his vocation. The Second World War, which he spent in the Resistance, was a decisive experience. When he joined Free France in London in 1942 he took the name of one of his bedside writers, Herman Melville, as his pseudonym. When the war was over, he self-produced on a shoestring his first films, Twenty-four hours in the life of a clown and The silence of the sea. Very attached to his independence as a creator, Melville founded the Jenner studios in 1955, which produced most of his work. He enjoyed his greatest public success with his penultimate film, Le Cercle Rouge.

(photo : Unifrance)


C'est quoi Jean-Paul Belmondo ? - Blow Up - ARTE
À propos de Le doulos
Distribution complète
About Jean-Pierre Melville
Le métier du cinéma n'est comparable à aucun autre. Il obéit aux lois qui régissent le «show business» mais tout le monde est d'accord pour reconnaître que personne ne connaît ces lois. Chaque film est un prototype. Une pièce de théâtre cesse d'en être une si elle dépasse la centième. L'effort de chaque représentation n'est plus fait en vain. Tandis que, pour toujours, l'effort de création, de tournage, de distribution et d'exploitation d'un film demeurera un risque total. C'est le métier le plus dangereux du monde.
Jean-Pierre Melville, entretien avec Michel Mardore

Presented in collaboration with