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Psycho (English with French subtitles)
Main screening room
July 18th, 2023
109 min
Horror Stories

Cinema is a screen onto which we can project our fears, torments and the monstrosities of the world. The screen protects us from what we see, but cinema has also permanently anchored our nightmares around a few powerful images (empty houses, hostile attics and basements, demonic masks, bloodcurdling grimaces, disturbing postures). Throughout the summer, the Cinémathèque québécoise will be presenting a series of films encompassing more than one hundred and twenty years of horror, reminding us that what scares us most is to make the deepest of our fears tangible and credible.

Directed by
Alfred Hitchcock
English with French subtiles
Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles
United States
109 min
Horror, Thriller

When things go wrong at work and in love, Marion Crane runs away with the $40,000 her boss entrusts to her, hoping to start a new life. On her way, she stops at a sad motel, where the manager, Norman Bates, takes care of her possessive mother. The place seems strange, but all is well... until Marion takes a shower.

« La construction de ce film est très intéressante, et c’est mon expérience la plus passionnante de jeu avec le public. Avec Psycho, je faisais de la direction de spectateurs… »
Hitchcock, dans Hitchcock / Truffaut

Alfred Hitchcock

Born in a working-class suburb of London in 1899, Alfred Hitchcock began his career in the film industry as an intertitle designer. He then held various positions on the set, including assistant director. He was given his first projects as a director by producer Michael Balcon, including the acclaimed The Lodger in 1927. Hitchcock then directed the first British talkie, Blackmail, which was a great success. The following films made him one of the most popular British directors of the time, appreciated even in the United States. Producer David O'Selznick invited him to Hollywood, where he directed, from Rebecca in 1940 to The Birds in 1963, from studio to studio, his most famous work. This American career was only interrupted by the war effort (Hitchcock participated as a director and editor) and by the last great success of the director, Frenzy, shot in Great Britain in 1971.


Sur notre blogue

Horreur - L'effroi au féminin

Victimes ou vénéneuses, objets de désir ou sujet de mystère, scream queens ou final girls : les femmes ont souvent eu un rôle de premier plan dans le cinéma d’horreur. Avant de mettre elles-mêmes en scène leurs terreurs les plus profondes.

About Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock