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The Most Dangerous Game (English Version)
Main screening room
August 3rd, 2023
62 min
Horror Stories

Cinema is a screen onto which we can project our fears, torments and the monstrosities of the world. The screen protects us from what we see, but cinema has also permanently anchored our nightmares around a few powerful images (empty houses, hostile attics and basements, demonic masks, bloodcurdling grimaces, disturbing postures). Throughout the summer, the Cinémathèque québécoise will be presenting a series of films encompassing more than one hundred and twenty years of horror, reminding us that what scares us most is to make the deepest of our fears tangible and credible.

The Most Dangerous Game
Directed by
Ernest B. Schoedsack, Irving Pichel
Joel McCrea, Fay Wray, Leslie Banks
United States
62 min
Adventure, Horror, Action
16 mm

On an isolated island, a Russian Count named Zaroff, with a cracked mind, hunts castaways as if they were wild beasts.

The Most Dangerous Game
« L'année suivante, les mêmes producteurs, Schoedsack et Cooper, réaliseront King Kong. Ce thriller fantastique, tourné en studio sur décision de Cooper, et devenu un classique du genre, d'une rare perfection formelle comme d'une superbe ambiguïté thématique, recrée aussi très bien l'ambiance étrange des tropiques de l'Asie. »
Claude Michel Cluny, 1991

Ernest B. Schoedsack

Ernest Beaumont Schoedsack was an American motion picture cinematographer, producer, and director. Schoedsack worked as a cameraman in World War I, where he served in the Signal Corps. At the conclusion of the war, he stayed in Europe to further his career. He worked on several films with Merian C. Cooper including King Kong, Chang: A Drama of the Wilderness, and The Most Dangerous Game. He also collaborated with screenwriter and actress Ruth Rose.

Irving Pichel

Irving Pichel réalise plusieurs films, dont Le Miracle des cloches, Monsieur Peabody et la sirène et Destination... Lune ! (1950). Il est le narrateur dans Qu'elle était verte ma vallée de John Ford et est la voix de Jésus dans le film The Great Commandment. Au milieu des années 1940, Pichel joue de petits rôles dans plusieurs de ses films et est le narrateur de La Charge héroïque (1949) de John Ford. Ses derniers films en tant que réalisateur sont Martin Luther en 1953 et Le Jour du Triomphe en 1954.


Distribution complète
About Ernest B. Schoedsack
About Irving Pichel