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A History of Violence (VOA)
Main screening room
February 21st, 2022
16+ (Violence)
96 min
Cronenberg: Through a Distorting Mirror

David Cronenberg has created a multidimensional universe in which he insistently questions the limits of every facet of the human condition – physical, moral and existential. This program extends from his early days in Montreal, where he made exploitation flicks produced by Cinépix (Rabid, Shivers), to Maps to the Stars, a scathing take on the California jet-set lifestyle. A creepy parallel universe emerges through films like The Fly, which catapulted him to mainstream success, and eXistenZ, in which it seems perfectly normal to plug an organic game console into one’s spine. This is inside-out cinema, in which unique beings constantly show us funhouse-mirror reflections of our world. This program includes all of Cronenberg’s features, most of them in 35 mm.

A History of Violence
Directed by
David Cronenberg
English version
Viggo Mortensen, Maria Bello, Ed Harris, William Hurt, Ashton Holmes
Germany, USA
96 min
Drama, thriller
16+ (Violence)

Tom Stall, owner of a small restaurant in a village in Indiana, lives a peaceful and happy life with his wife and their two children. Tom sees his life turned upside down the day he kills two murderous thugs who were trying to take over his cash register. The case goes on and on in the media and Tom becomes a national hero in spite of himself.

A History of Violence

The trailer is in the original version. The movie will be in VOSTF.


David Cronenberg

David Paul Cronenberg is a Canadian film director, screenwriter, and actor. He is one of the principal originators of what is commonly known as the body horror genre, with his films exploring visceral bodily transformation, infection, technology, and the intertwining of the psychological with the physical. In the first third of his career he explored these themes mostly through horror and science fiction films such as Scanners (1981) and Videodrome (1983), although his work has since expanded beyond these genres. Cronenberg's films have polarized critics and audiences alike; he has earned critical acclaim and has sparked controversy for his depictions of gore and violence. The Village Voice called him "the most audacious and challenging narrative director in the English-speaking world". His films have won numerous awards, including, for Crash, the Special Jury Prize at the 1996 Cannes Film Festival, a unique award that is distinct from the Jury Prize as it is not given annually, but only at the request of the official jury, who in this case gave the award "for originality, for daring, and for audacity".


« [...] Un chef-d'oeuvre enfin tel que les cinéphiles et le plus large public les apprécient, en vertu de l'empreinte industrielle du projet (un film de commande adapté de la bande dessinée éponyme de John Wagner et Vince Locke), de la simplicité du propos (une histoire rectiligne, hyper-efficace, qui file droit comme une flèche au coeur de la cible), et du genre auquel il appartient (un pur thriller). Tout le génie du cinéaste consiste évidemment à respecter l'apparence de ces définitions pour mieux les atomiser de l'intérieur. [...] »
Jacques Mandelbaum
Le Monde (2005)
About A History of Violence
Full cast
About David Cronenberg
Filmography | director
Filmography | actor