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Funny Games (English Version)
Main screening room
August 2nd, 2023
111 min
Horror Stories

Cinema is a screen onto which we can project our fears, torments and the monstrosities of the world. The screen protects us from what we see, but cinema has also permanently anchored our nightmares around a few powerful images (empty houses, hostile attics and basements, demonic masks, bloodcurdling grimaces, disturbing postures). Throughout the summer, the Cinémathèque québécoise will be presenting a series of films encompassing more than one hundred and twenty years of horror, reminding us that what scares us most is to make the deepest of our fears tangible and credible.

Funny Games
Directed by
Michael Haneke
Naomi Watts, Tim Roth, Michael Pitt
Austria, United States
111 min
Psychological horror, Thriller
35 mm

Two psychopathic young men take a family hostage in their chalet. Haneke has taken over the script, cutting and direction of Funny Games and, 11 years after the Austrian version, is giving an American version.

Funny Games

Michael Haneke

Michael Haneke is an Austrian film director and screenwriter. After working in theater and television, Michael Haneke made a name for himself as a filmmaker in the 1990s. His productions explore a genealogy of ordinary evil in our societies, whether through television culture (Benny's Video), racism and repressed history (Caché), or incommunicability (Code inconnu), socio-familial pressure and sexual neurosis (La pianiste), consumer society (The Seventh Continent), religious dogma (Le Ruban blanc), and old age and psychological and physical deterioration (Amour). Eleven of Haneke's feature films were selected for the Cannes Film Festival, first for the Directors' Fortnight, then, starting with Funny Games, in competition. At Cannes, Haneke has won numerous awards: the Grand Prix, the Prix de la mise en scène, and the Palme d'or twice, for Le Ruban blanc in 2009 and for Amour in 2012. He is one of only nine directors to win the Palm twice, along with Francis Ford Coppola, Shōhei Imamura, Emir Kusturica, Bille August, the Dardenne brothers, Ken Loach and Ruben Östlund.


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