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Jaws (English with French subtitles)
Main screening room
August 10th, 2023
124 min
Horror Stories

Cinema is a screen onto which we can project our fears, torments and the monstrosities of the world. The screen protects us from what we see, but cinema has also permanently anchored our nightmares around a few powerful images (empty houses, hostile attics and basements, demonic masks, bloodcurdling grimaces, disturbing postures). Throughout the summer, the Cinémathèque québécoise will be presenting a series of films encompassing more than one hundred and twenty years of horror, reminding us that what scares us most is to make the deepest of our fears tangible and credible.

Directed by
Steven Spielberg
English with French subtiles
Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss
United States
124 min
Horror, Mystery, Adventure

A huge, aggressive shark terrorizes a small New England seaside town. The local sheriff, a fisherman and a scientist try to stop the carnage.


La bande-annonce est en version originale anglaise, mais le film sera présenté avec des sous-titres français.

« Spielberg s’efface, utilisant des cadrages subtils et un montage méticuleux. Il nous terrorise par le suspens, nous fait bondir par la soudaineté de l’action. »
Time Magazine

Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg first big hit was a TV movie, Duel. It was such a success on television that the film was released in a long version in theaters in 1973. In 1974, Spielberg was commissioned to direct his first feature film, Sugarland Express, which won the Screenplay Prize at the Cannes Film Festival. The film also marks the beginning of a unique collaboration in the annals of cinema: John Williams signs the first of his twenty-two compositions for a film by Steven Spielberg. With box-office receipts of over $12.055 billion worldwide, $4.6 billion in the USA and over 99 million admissions in France, Steven Spielberg is the most profitable filmmaker in the history of cinema.


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