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Pas sur la bouche (VOF)
Main screening room
July 11th, 2021
115 min

Our summer cycle will be festive or not. Sound and image, song and dance, instrument and breathing, strings and gestures: so many possible combinations to express what cinema and music can achieve and express together. Musicals, concert films, catchy music. Jazz, classical, contemporary, disco, punk... Revolt and enchantment, distress and emphasis, joy and rhythm, melancholy and bass, laughter and stridency: diverse expressions characterizing cinema and music's historical alliance, will definitely make us fly, dream, dance!

From the 30's to the present day and across all possible genres, this cycle aims to open our minds at a time when we most need it. The first week of July will be an eventful one, as the cycle will open with several evenings in cabaret mode, where we will present for the first time concert films produced in Quebec during the confinement, with the participation of major artists of the current music scene: Klô Pelgag, Marie Davidson and Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

Pas sur la bouche
Directed by
Alain Resnais
French version
Sabine Azéma, Pierre Arditi, Lambert Wilson
France, Switzerland
115 min
Comedy, musical
35 mm

Gilberte Valandray is hiding an embarrassing secret from her husband, Georges: she has an ex-husband, an American named Eric! When Eric arrives in Paris on business and meets with Georges, Gilberte naturally expects the worst. The film is a tribute to the best of bedroom farces, a witty operetta with loads of sexual overtones.

Pas sur la bouche

Alain Resnais

Alain Resnais was a French film director and screenwriter whose career extended over more than six decades. After training as a film editor in the mid-1940s, he went on to direct a number of short films which included Night and Fog (1956), an influential documentary about the Nazi concentration camps. Resnais began making feature films in the late 1950s and consolidated his early reputation with Hiroshima mon amour (1959), Last Year at Marienbad (1961), and Muriel (1963), all of which adopted unconventional narrative techniques to deal with themes of troubled memory and the imagined past. These films were contemporary with, and associated with, the French New Wave (la Nouvelle Vague), though Resnais did not regard himself as being fully part of that movement.


Image : Ladyswingblog

Alain Resnais, un cinéaste qui croyait aux joies de montrer et raconter

«Homme-cinéma» à un degré rarement atteint, Resnais s’en défendait, insistant toujours sur le rôle selon lui décisif de ses scénaristes, de ses acteurs, de ses producteurs, de ses techniciens. C’était la marque d’un autre trait essentiel de sa personnalité, une courtoisie modeste et souriante, une manière d’adoucir en permanence le tranchant de son exceptionnelle intelligence par une douceur et une élégance qui auront marqué à jamais quiconque aura eu le privilège de le fréquenter, ne serait-ce qu’un peu...


Image : aws

Image : Spietati

Image : Jer-cin

Image : Ladyswingblog

Alain Resnais en 9 minutes - Blow Up - ARTE
Balado : Alain Resnais, ce rêveur définitif

Du jeune lecteur qu'il fût d'illustrés et de littérature populaire au cinéaste, secrètement lovecraftien de Providence , en passant par sa lecture militante de toutes bandes dessinées, son projet resté sans suite d'adaptation d'Harry Dickson , Je t'aime, je t'aime , film de SF d'après Jacques Sternberg , la vie et l'oeuvre de Resnais est marquée par l'univers des genres.

Reportage Pas sur la bouche | Alain Resnais
Full cast
About Alain Resnais