Silent Running
Science fiction pushes the boundaries, explores the improbable, and envisions the future of humanity. It also exposes us to extravagant visual effects and the inventive power of cinema, reflecting our deepest fantasies. In cinema, science fiction is immersive, creating worlds suddenly within our reach. This summer, over one hundred films from the history of cinema will allow us to witness this!
As a result of wars and disasters, Earth has become hostile to life, and the remaining flora and fauna have been preserved in giant greenhouses orbiting Saturn. One day, the crews are ordered to destroy the greenhouses and return to Earth. One of the astronauts refuses to accept the order.
Douglas Trumbull
Douglas Trumbull was an American director, producer, and screenwriter. He is best known for being a pioneer in visual effects from the late 1960s, particularly for his work on Stanley Kubrick's film 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). Among the techniques he developed for this film, Trumbull adapted the slit-scan, a mechanical technique that creates psychedelic animations. In 1971, he directed his first feature film, Silent Running, in which he utilized several visual and mechanical techniques that he had developed for 2001 but had not used. The film was critically acclaimed. In the late 1970s, Trumbull worked on the special effects for Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) and Robert Wise's Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979). He also supervised the visual effects for Ridley Scott's Blade Runner (1981). In 1983, he directed a second science fiction feature film, Brainstorm, for which he invented the Showscan process, enhancing image sharpness and brightness to increase the sense of reality and depth. In 2012, he received an Academy Award for his lifetime artistic achievements. Douglas Trumbull's genius and talent are now widely recognized, and the science fiction films he created are considered models of the genre.
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Ces robots qui nous côtoient
Le cinéma a grandement contribué à forger notre imaginaire des robots. Androïdes d’apparence humaine et créatures mécaniques aux formes plus rustiques n’ont pas été employés de la même façon, ni dans leur questionnement de la moralité humaine, ni pour les sentiments qu’ils éveillent auprès du public. À l’heure où l’intelligence artificielle est bien réelle, retour sur quelques classiques robots de cinéma.