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Thanatomorphose (English with French subtitles)
Main screening room
July 27th, 2023
100 min
Horror Stories

Cinema is a screen onto which we can project our fears, torments and the monstrosities of the world. The screen protects us from what we see, but cinema has also permanently anchored our nightmares around a few powerful images (empty houses, hostile attics and basements, demonic masks, bloodcurdling grimaces, disturbing postures). Throughout the summer, the Cinémathèque québécoise will be presenting a series of films encompassing more than one hundred and twenty years of horror, reminding us that what scares us most is to make the deepest of our fears tangible and credible.

In the presence of the director

Directed by
Éric Falardeau
English with French subtitles
Kayden Rose, Davyd Tousignant, Émile Beaudry
100 min

One morning, the young and beautiful Laura inexplicably and inexorably begins to rot... A Kafkaesque tale of sexuality, horror and bodily fluids...

« Ni slasher, ni gore, ni horreur. Thanatomorphose est bien une oeuvre unique, à part des courants connus du cinéma de genre. On reste impuissant devant la lente mais certaine dégradation du corps de la belle Kayden Rose, livrée ici à une conclusion en forme de pourriture et de décomposition fatale. Falardeau nous entraîne dans un enfermement sur soi qui se termine en inexorable destruction. Oeuvre particulière, qui traite de temporalité (autant celle des corps que des âmes), et de relations humaines biaisées où le sexe devient acte de mort, Thanatomorphose offre réflexion et profondeur à son sujet. »
Charles-Henri Ramond, 2013

Éric Falardeau

Eric Falardeau holds a Master's degree in Film Studies from the Université de Montréal. He is a filmmaker, lecturer, author and teacher. He curated the exhibition Secrets and Illusions, the Magic of Special Effects (Cinémathèque québécoise, April 2013 to April 2018). He has written several books on the body in cinema and special effects, as well as a large number of conferences on eroticism and pornography. He is also a musician and has shot video clips. His short films have been screened in a multitude of festivals around the world, where they have won numerous awards. Among them, the astonishing animated film Crépuscule, the referential and cinephilic La petite mort, the traumatic Coming home or the palmist Elégie nocturne. His first feature film, Thanatomorphose, an extreme but strangely beautiful film about the slow physical decomposition of a young living woman, was released in 2012 and has since been distributed in a dozen countries. Internationally recognized, Eric Falardeau has thus become the most important Quebec genre filmmaker of his generation.


Sur notre blogue

Horreur - L'effroi au féminin

Victimes ou vénéneuses, objets de désir ou sujet de mystère, scream queens ou final girls : les femmes ont souvent eu un rôle de premier plan dans le cinéma d’horreur. Avant de mettre elles-mêmes en scène leurs terreurs les plus profondes.

À propos de Éric Falardeau