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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (English with French subtitles)
Main screening room
March 16th, 2024
Suggested viewing age: 12 and up
178 min
By popular demand

The By popular demand screenings allow us to respond to special requests from you, our audience! Whether it's a film from a retrospective you want to see again, or a work you want to draw our attention to, we are open to all suggestions. The programming team collects suggestions from the public and responds to them whenever possible.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Directed by
Sergio Leone
English with French subtitles
Eli Wallach, Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef
Italy, Spain, West Germany
178 min
Spaghetti Western, adventure

During the American Civil War, three bandits get together, even though everything divides them, and embark on a quest for a treasure.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
With its ultra-stylised shots, uncluttered plot, unforgettable music, fascinating anti-heroes, evocation of cruelty but also a sense of comedy, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is a must-see masterpiece for an introduction to the jubilant world of the spaghetti western.

Sergio Leone

Born in Rome in 1929, Sergio Leone was the son actress Bice Waleran and filmmaker Roberto Roberti, whose career was cut short by his opposition to fascism. Sergio attended the same school as Ennio Morricone, who was to compose the music for his future films. After the Second World War, he began his career as an assistant to Italian (Vittorio de Sica among others) and American filmmakers (Robert Wise, William Wyler...). Then Leone had the idea of turning to the Western, which he completely revisited, moving away from the American Western in decline at the time. In 1964, A Fistful of Dollars marked the beginning of a style and codes that would come to define the Italian Western, a genre that enjoyed immense success in the decade that followed, with Leone as its figurehead. In 1984, he signed his last masterpiece, Once Upon a Time in America, this time exploring the world of American gangsterism.


Quand l'Italie révolutionna le western

Après le succès de Pour une poignée de dollars, le bal est lancé : les cinéastes italiens créent un univers à part entière, en inventant leur propre langage de cinéma, où le scope embrasse les visages avec autant d’ampleur que les paysages.

About Sergio Leone