The Skin I Live In
This program brings together several film duos, exploring the unique dynamics of face-to-face encounters. These interactions can take the form of a chase, a direct confrontation, a tense meeting behind closed doors, or a spectacular final showdown. Antagonists, doubles, adversaries, or alter egos: these are all troubled relationships that unite and tear apart the protagonists, between fascination and aversion.
Robert Ledgard, a plastic surgeon, develops a synthetic skin, a revolutionary practice that reinforces his fame. But he keeps secret the tests he has conducted on a female guinea pig, Vera, who lives reclusively in his mansion in the Toledo region. The relationship between the doctor and his patient is is murky and frowned upon by the only one who knows the truth: Marilia, the surgeon's devoted housekeeper.

Pedro Almodóvar
Born in 1949 in Calzada de Calatrava, Spain, Pedro Almodóvar had a provincial childhood, marked by a strong women presence and a religious education. At the age of 18, he moved to Madrid and worked various jobs while immersed in the Madrid movida, a creative and fiery cultural movement that coincided with the democratic transition. He was introduced to theater, performance and writing in counterculture circles, and even wrote Patty Diphusa, a landmark novel in the emerging homosexual literature. In the 70s, he began directing short and then feature films. Initially noticed by the underground milieu, the filmmaker had a growing success in Spain. In 1986, he co-founded the production company El Deseo with his brother, and two years later, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown brought him international fame, which has never waned since.

La folle aventure
Dans la longue carrière du cinéaste espagnol Pedro Almodovar, parsemée de bons et de moins bons coups, Parle avec elle demeure son meilleur film pour plusieurs raisons. L’une d’entre elles permet justement de comprendre en quoi tient la réussite de son plus récent long métrage, La peau que j’habite : c’est l’habileté à rendre compte de l’horreur, dont les traits sont dévoilés lentement au fil de l’intrigue, par des révélations, des flash-back.