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Raoul-Barré Space
January 25th, 2024
8 pm

Always driven by the desire to create events and bring different practices into dialogue within our programming, we are presenting a concert by the primitive post-punk band Gashrat.

We've also given the musicians (Kelly, Tara, Chelsea and Gabby) carte blanche to program two films, which they'll be presenting prior to the concert.

GASHRAT is Kelly, Tara, Chelsea and Gabby.  
Gashrat is immortal.  
Gashrat is young.  
Gashrat is moving towards something.  
Gashrat will put you on their time.  
Gashrat remembers a Montreal that’s dead.  
Gashrat is a culmination of spirits that deserve each other.  
Guitar, bass, drums, vocals.  
GASHRAT is a Rock band. 

Gashrat's cinephile picks

In addition to their concert at the Cinémathèque this Thursday, January 25, punk band Gashrat are gracing us with a carte blanche of two films: The Last Waltz by Martin Scorsese and Welcome to the Dollhouse by Todd Solondz. Musician Kelly Hurcomb was kind enough to answer a few questions from this angle of cinephilia.