Anna Salzberg / Marie Bottois
"Filming, performing", it is under this simple formulation that we are presenting our third edition of the symposium dedicated to experimental cinema. This form is indeed very regularly linked to performance, even if it is produced before the screening of the films. We propose live performances in which the film medium is reworked, triturated, and returned to its lively expressiveness. Some more general interventions (experimental cinema in Quebec, video experimentation in the feminine, panorama of the current Canadian experimental cinema) complete the program.
Two highly experimental feminist film essays produced with the help of l'Abominable and presented by Julia Minne and Sébastien Ronceray, co-organizers of the Braquage association's Paris screenings.
I ask my mother about her feminist past, and why she made a child on her own. She doesn't answer me, so I find answers elsewhere, in archives, with a women's choir, and in film gestures that I make. I want to pierce the mystery of my mother, I discover the women's movement of the 1970s, a militant feminist cinema, and the woman filmmaker that I am changes. Thus, the way I make my film joins that of the activists I meet and testifies to the transmission of a memory of feminist struggles through collective cinematographic practice. (Anna Salzberg)

Léna is a midwife, and I am her patient. While she replaces my IUD, I document our appointment. The camera becomes a mirror, while a relationship of care unfolds between midwife, patient and film crew. (Marie Bottois)