The Bigamist
The extraordinary journey of this actor, a leading figure in Italian and European cinema for over three decades, brings us back to the heart of the most demanding auteur cinema, as well as to the most inventive, joyful, and iconic popular films. With a unique sense of style and a casual elegance, he became one of the most accomplished embodiments of the screen actor.
Mario de Santis, an honest man, finds himself behind bars after being falsely accused of bigamy. Disowned by his wife and in-laws, he has only his cellmates to offer him compassion.

Luciano Emmer
Luciano Emmer was an Italian film director and screenwriter. He started his career as a filmmaker working with Enrico Gras. He founded the production company Dolomiti Film and directed several documentaries. His works on art have received particular critical acclaim. Screenwriter Sergio Amidei, found the finance for Emmer to make a feature about Romans spending a Sunday in August on the beach at Ostia. Starring Marcello Mastroianni, the film was released in 1950. Emmer then won a Special Award for outstanding cultural film at the 1952 Golden Globes for Pictura: An Adventure in Art, a collective film attempting to give the general filmgoing public a taste of art history and art appreciation.