Mektoub, My Love : Canto Uno
Clubs, nightclubs and other rowdy dance floors are places of ligthness, seduction or dissidence, where musical trends, dramas and romances are born. They are the sulphurous theater of the bodies that are bring together , but also a mental space that can make the multitude and the solitude, the party feeling and the melancholy coexist. From the disco scene of the 1970s to today, this cycle brings together films where people dance without a tomorrow, in the light of neon and strobes.
Summer 1994. Amin, who is trying to break into the film industry in Paris, returns to visit his hometown in the south of France, Sète. He divides his time between his family, who run a Tunisian restaurant, and his friends on the Mediterranean coast, between sunny days and sleepless nights.

Abdellatif Kechiche
Abdellatif Kechiche is a French-Tunisian director, screenwriter and actor. Known for his naturalistic style of filmmaking, he has won several César awards. In 2013, he was awarded the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival for La Vie d'Adèle, along with the film's two main performers, Adèle Exarchopoulos and Léa Seydoux.

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Disco clubs : tour de piste
Il y a un plaisir indéniable à revisiter des films où les clubs, discothèques et autres scènes de party dansant ont une place de premier plan, parce que l’on sait qu’on y trouvera les ingrédients qui nous font jubiler au cinéma : le factice, le clinquant, le rythme et l’absence d’inhibition. Et pourtant, ces scènes de défoulement sont presque toujours teintées de sentiments plus troubles. (...)